June 24, 2011:
“Today’s passage in the New York State Senate of legislation recognizing the right of couples to marry regardless of their gender is a historic triumph for equality and freedom. New York has always been a leader in movements to extend freedom and equality to people who had been denied full membership in the American family. By welcoming all people – no matter where they are from, what faith or philosophy they follow, or whom they love – New York became the strongest, most dynamic city in the world. And today, we are even stronger than we were yesterday.
“In recent weeks, I have had many conversations with our State Senators. I emphasized that not only is marriage equality consistent with bedrock American principles, but it is also consistent with bedrock Republican Party principles of liberty and freedom – and the Republicans who stood up today for those principles will long be remembered for their courage, foresight, and wisdom. In fact, 10 or 20 or 30 years from now, I believe they will look back at this vote as one of their finest, proudest moments.
“I want to thank the Senators for graciously taking the time to talk with me over the past few weeks, and for approaching this issue so thoughtfully and honestly. Based on my conversations with senators, I was fully convinced that if we could get a bill to the floor for a vote, we would have marriage equality in New York State. So I want to thank Majority Leader Skelos for allowing democracy to work – and allowing the will of the people to be done. And I especially want to thank Senators McDonald, Alesi, Saland and Grisanti for having the courage of their convictions and bringing this historic change to New York.
“The passage of this bill is the culmination of a decades-long struggle for equality by gay and lesbian New Yorkers. Although there are too many people to acknowledge and thank, I want to express special appreciation to Governor Cuomo and Assembly Speaker Silver for their leadership, and to City Council Speaker Christine Quinn, who has been a tireless and passionate advocate for gay and lesbian rights for many years. Together, we have taken the next big step on our national journey toward a more perfect union.”